Brady and Grey discuss: emoji revisited and the plurals of words, spoilers revisited, the 280 character upper class, Twitter Halloween, SpaceX Adelaide action, the drama over Brady's lego set resolved... or maybe not, Brady in Las Vegas during the shooting and advertising during tragedy, the (fiction of) the 2017 Nobel prize in physics.
H.I. #89 -- A Swarm of Bad Emoji →
Grey & Brady discuss: mint condition, American news, X and the new iPhone, the Firewatch copyright strike against PewDiePie, being a TripAdvisor parasite, papercuts 'lightning' round, not The Buzz but rather bee emojis 🐝, and the movie version of The Circle.
H.I. #88: Do Not Ring Bell →
Grey & Brady discuss: space flags for the people, YouTube fair use (or not) continued, Space X feedback, listener images, changes in spoiler culture, and the rules of portrait photography.