Grey and Brady discuss: heatwaves revisited, progress in project Cyclops, The Apple Watch as Black Mirror horror, Brady goes to Peru, being from America, leap year criminals, doggy bags, The Buzz, and C-words.
H.I. #110: Love Monkey →
Grey and Brady discuss questions from The Book of Thunks by Ian Gilbert and The Book of Questions by Gregory Stock.
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H.I. #109: Twitter War Room →
Grey and Brady discuss: complaining on Twitter and the clap emoji, laugh inflation and linguistic treadmills, the long half-life of the Hello Internet vinyl edition, Brady is a hotstopper hero, Grey is a villain, Fire in the National Museum of Brazil, Fake or Fortune and Leonardo da Vinci, Listerine on Instagram, Project Cyclops, Grey’s Drama Llama theory, and YouTubers burning out.