
Ayn Rand Loves Torture


I recently listened to the audiobook version of Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand and something caught my attention: all the torture.

Now, even the most rabid fans of Ayn Rand must acknowledge that she's a bit… repetitive in her writing. Aside from her philosophy which is given over and over, even her word choice is repetitive.

One word in particular caught my attention: torture. Ayn Rand loves to use 'torture' at every opportunity. Not the physical kind, but during moments of internal emotional trauma for her stone-faced protagonists. Here are a few examples:



Lillian saw nothing in his face; Dagny saw torture.

What he saw now in Francisco's eyes was the look of a quiet, tightly controlled, patiently borne torture.

She did not know what form of torture he was enduring, or what he saw being wrecked within him and kept himself the only one to see.

Then she saw his eyes move slowly from her face down the length of her body, and she knew the sort of torture he was now choosing to experience, because it was a glance of a nature he could not hide from her.

As they drank, as she stood, her eyes closed, feeling the liquid motion of the wine inside her throat, she knew that for all three of them this was the most tortured – and the most exultant – moment they had ever reached.

I saw what price he was paying for his brilliant ability, what torture he was enduring in silent bewilderment.



Sometimes she uses it twice in the same sentence:



But one form of torture remained, untouched by the years, the torture of the word "why?"

He did not look like a man bearing torture now, but like a man who sees that which makes the torture worth bearing.

The punishment she had wanted to inflict on him was the torture of shame; what she had inflicted was the torture of boredom.



And finally, going for a hat trick:



He knew that the rigid absence of emotion in Francisco's face was the strongest evidence of emotion, the evidence of some abnormal effort at control – he knew that this was torture and that he, Rearden, was driven blindly by a feeling which resembled a torturer's enjoyment, except that he was now unable to tell whether he was torturing Francisco or himself.



Wary that this might be confirmation bias I counted up the words and produced the word cloud above and the table below. Summing up all the variants of the word 'torture' yields 114 references making it the 544th most common word out of about 15,000 putting it the 96th percentile.

I'm not quite sure how to go about measuring 'repetitiveness' in books based on word count but, looking at the table below, I'd wager that Atlas Shrugged would score very, very high.

32,801 the
20,689 of
17,924 to
13,341 a
10,594 you
10,426 it
10,276 and
10,091 that
9,717 he
9,098 I
7,409 in
7,306 she
6,936 was
5,765 had
5,735 his
5,120 not
4,996 her
4,318 for
4,106 as
4,083 but
3,702 at
3,557 is
3,329 they
3,328 on
3,232 what
3,051 no
2,921 him
2,803 with
2,783 if
2,596 said
2,524 be
2,465 have
2,344 were
2,327 an
2,304 who
2,283 your
2,203 by
2,055 we
2,000 me
1,941 do
1,893 there
1,795 one
1,767 them
1,752 know
1,741 all
1,726 when
1,718 this
1,679 from
1,646 would
1,594 did
1,546 or
1,512 their
1,460 man
1,446 rearden
1,426 any
1,418 are
1,406 like
1,395 my
1,389 which
1,349 could
1,310 only
1,300 can
1,292 will
1,280 taggart
1,225 been
1,221 about
1,196 then
1,139 re
1,108 thought
1,099 out
1,076 now
1,041 so
1,020 why
994 face
987 men
922 think
904 want
903 see
881 nothing
860 some
846 saw
841 mr
838 time
836 up
834 felt
831 into
820 never
803 voice
785 looked
781 own
781 knew
762 m
738 look
735 down
724 d
712 how
710 made
708 just
694 its
690 right
687 asked
684 first
666 people
666 because
660 us
657 eyes
654 through
642 mind
616 moment
616 let
606 than
602 dagny
597 yes
594 over
594 more
594 here
594 give
592 still
588 our
585 tell
585 long
579 way
573 those
565 back
564 going
561 against
560 has
557 world
557 galt
555 life
548 where
540 looking
531 make
531 get
527 every
525 too
525 francisco
523 say
510 answer
505 seemed
503 two
500 left
492 new
491 stood
491 dr
490 well
484 years
465 heard
461 work
458 without
455 last
454 take
452 other
451 come
449 go
448 wanted
447 room
447 oh
447 ever
447 am
445 metal
436 should
435 miss
424 such
422 line
422 away
419 won
418 head
417 anything
416 didn't
414 good
414 came
406 while
405 before
404 words
400 kind
397 few
392 once
391 much
384 being
380 got
377 went
375 matter
374 off
367 country
365 money
361 find
361 after
359 power
358 sound
358 mean
357 body
356 always
355 something
355 smile
353 stopped
351 reason
346 railroad
343 office
342 things
341 himself
339 feel
337 need
336 sat
336 day
331 name
331 jim
330 another
322 held
320 great
319 hand
318 under
315 even
314 turned
312 understand
312 answered
310 three
308 wish
307 open
304 order
304 across
301 door
300 whether
300 love
299 most
295 same
293 must
293 human
290 told
289 seen
286 night
285 past
285 feeling
282 able
281 help
280 steel
279 eddie
277 train
277 john
275 suddenly
273 purpose
270 half
269 around
267 light
266 nobody
266 means
265 ferris
264 sight
264 public
264 existence
261 others
256 place
256 job
256 ago
255 found
252 kept
251 tone
250 believe
249 yet
248 these
247 moral
247 ask
245 hear
245 glance
244 manner
244 little
244 hank
243 motor
243 live
242 knowledge
240 business
239 since
237 many
236 sudden
236 car
235 thing
234 within
234 earth
233 wouldn't
232 old
230 whatever
230 stadler
230 course
229 woman
229 keep
228 sense
228 question
227 transcontinental
226 does
224 value
223 known
223 evil
222 state
222 person
222 done
222 between
222 d'anconia
221 nature
220 self
219 pain
219 gave
218 smiled
217 thompson
217 slowly
217 run
217 chance
215 possible
215 given
215 except
215 best
212 effort
212 act
211 longer
211 everything
210 very
210 desk
209 single
209 care
208 walked
208 again
206 upon
205 part
205 haven
204 seeing
204 rest
203 glanced
203 fact
202 use
202 mouch
200 whom
200 track
200 small
199 lillian
199 behind
198 young
198 took
198 next
198 living
197 york
197 straight
197 else
197 city
195 hold
194 word
194 hands
194 end
193 reality
192 speak
192 days
192 among
191 nor
190 remained
189 year
189 sort
189 sky
189 moved
189 herself
189 beyond
188 above
186 whole
186 better
185 saying
185 gone
184 stand
184 almost
182 thinking
182 sure
182 stop
182 may
182 expect
180 window
180 full
179 feet
179 certain
179 anyone
178 mine
178 isn
177 doing
177 both
176 running
176 form
176 call
175 noticed
174 copper
173 james
173 desire
172 enough
169 tonight
168 leave
167 morning
167 air
166 put
164 trying
163 might
163 figure
162 silence
162 reach
162 mills
162 expected
162 closed
161 watching
161 mouth
160 factory
159 pleasure
159 moving
159 deal
158 whose
158 couldn't
157 values
157 move
157 fear
157 each
156 wondered
156 silent
156 rail
156 home
155 started
154 wesley
154 glass
153 yours
153 god
152 toward
151 neither
151 distance
151 boyle
150 table
150 friends
149 true
149 hope
149 empty
148 yourself
148 secret
148 colorado
147 waiting
147 side
147 lights
147 cut
147 called
147 arm
146 road
145 cried
145 added
145 accept
144 wyatt
144 white
144 house
143 together
143 meaning
143 doesn't
143 black
142 tried
142 code
141 wasn't
141 miles
141 learn
141 boy
140 meant
140 faces
140 emotion
140 darkness
140 choice
140 become
139 valley
139 sign
139 hour
138 plane
137 try
137 dark
136 trains
136 remember
136 knowing
134 washington
134 taken
134 free
134 force
133 used
133 reached
133 consciousness
132 wrong
132 steps
131 willers
131 pay
131 cannot
131 building
131 action
130 spoke
130 save
129 faint
129 damn
128 wished
128 terror
128 talk
128 engine
127 questions
127 needed
127 future
127 afraid
126 movement
126 months
126 hard
126 forward
126 evening
125 understood
125 raised
125 hair
124 station
124 making
124 hours
124 five
124 alone
124 ahead
122 until
122 lost
122 caught
122 arms
121 blue
120 ten
120 sacrifice
120 bridge
120 ability
119 windows
119 touch
119 space
119 smiling
119 real
119 radio
119 month
119 law
119 guilt
119 anger
118 motion
117 virtue
117 hell
117 distant
116 unable
116 start
116 rising
116 instant
116 clear
116 board
115 morality
115 laughed
115 guess
115 company
114 torture (and variants)
114 oil
114 mulligan
114 exist
113 wait
113 spread
113 spirit
113 sake
113 motive
113 fight
113 consider
113 age
112 special
112 philip
112 death
111 science
111 lay
111 danagger
110 wealth
110 though
110 struggle
110 red
110 everybody
109 quit
109 present
109 personal
109 ground
109 fire
108 times
108 seem
108 presence
108 comet
107 standing
107 quietly
107 physical
107 merely
106 somebody
106 impossible
106 giving
106 floor
106 cry
106 brought
105 truth
105 trouble
105 system
105 low
104 watched
104 rose
104 point
104 orders
104 holding
104 break
103 please
103 national
103 gold
103 aren
102 price
102 plan
102 offer
102 green
102 choose
102 along
101 set
101 property
101 permit
101 henry
101 broken
100 achievement
99 quite
99 myself
99 lines
99 important
99 engineer
99 control
99 claim
98 knows
98 gray
98 brother
97 turn
97 telephone
97 shock
97 remain
97 paper
97 mother
97 intended
97 escape
97 either
97 concern
96 working
96 worked
96 vision
96 talking
96 sun
96 snapped
96 return
96 looters
96 hung
96 far
96 duty
96 corner
96 coming
95 government
95 edge
94 social
94 shoulders
94 really
94 happened
94 four
94 cars
93 necessary
93 hundred
93 chuckled
92 tomorrow
92 standard
92 somewhere
92 shape
92 profit
92 orren
92 interest
92 institute
92 dead
92 brief
92 amusement
92 alive
91 sent
91 read
91 notice
91 mountains
91 material
91 fighting
91 desperate
90 friend
90 cold
90 astonishment
90 asking
89 quality
89 non
89 newspapers
89 meet
89 later
89 happen
89 freight
88 today
88 sentence
88 produce
88 private
88 less
88 blank
88 big
87 walls
87 vanished
87 ready
87 outside
87 none
87 naked
87 justice
87 hearing
87 destruction
87 battle
86 top
86 shall
86 practical
86 honor
86 high
86 happiness
86 fully
86 bring
86 beat
85 odd
85 mines
85 leaned
85 greater
85 change
84 willingtd>
84 waited
84 terms
84 struggling
84 show
84 ought
84 goal
84 capacity
83 ran
83 ellis
83 anybody
82 shook
82 seek
82 president
82 object
82 loved
82 listen
82 front
82 family
82 attempt
81 thank
81 taking
81 spent
81 refuse
81 met
81 lives
81 late
81 hurt
81 anywhere
80 torture
80 pride
80 having
80 cause
79 wonder
79 strength
79 step
79 pointed
79 particular
79 leaving
79 greatest
79 emergency
79 crowd
78 thin
78 street
78 second
78 rational
78 mrs
77 week
77 wall
77 speaking
77 railroads
77 middle
77 destroy
77 close
77 buy
77 built
77 accepted
76 supposed
76 story
76 send
76 relief
76 production
76 problem
76 pressed
76 lips
76 hers
76 growing
76 expression
76 dropped
76 chief
75 soul
75 pull
75 ore
75 number
75 joy
75 issue
75 explain
75 energy
75 cost
75 broke
74 wife
74 whispered
74 weeks
74 terminal
74 softly
74 silently
74 project
74 paid
74 moments
74 maybe
74 makes
74 lived
74 centuries
74 blood
74 below
74 astonished
73 worse
73 surrender
73 remembered
73 party
73 meeting
73 learned
73 idea
73 chair
72 worry
72 wire
72 shrugged
72 seems
72 sebastian
72 scudder
72 scream
72 rise
72 pulled
72 pity
72 perhaps
72 liked
72 girl
72 father
72 dinner
72 coal
71 town
71 tight
71 safe
71 plant
71 lighted
71 industrial
71 demand
71 danger
71 cigarette
71 chosen
70 watch
70 turning
70 six
70 quiet
70 judge
70 conscious
69 twenty
69 thousand
69 sorry
69 sit
69 service
69 respect
69 judgment
69 hint
69 gesture
69 entered
69 danneskjold
69 became
69 bear
69 absolute
68 strange
68 sounded
68 san
68 rule
68 rails
68 lose
68 hatred
68 forget
68 case
68 bill
68 akston
67 violence
67 suffering
67 streets
67 staring
67 robert
67 protect
67 needs
67 boys
66 workers
66 wore
66 wind
66 support
66 structure
66 sole
66 realize
66 proud
66 piece
66 panic
66 laughing
66 glow
66 faith
66 drop
66 decision
66 afford
65 till
65 opinion
65 lot
65 gun
65 getting
65 figures
65 discover
65 dangerous
65 achieve
64 stretched
64 someone
64 simple
64 shot
64 responsibility
64 mitchum
64 fingers
64 final
64 electric
64 dollar
64 clothes
64 child
64 charge
64 beside
63 worth
63 victims
63 screamed
63 music
63 lawson
63 large
63 inside
63 discovered
63 blame
63 beating
62 welfare
62 tall
62 sounds
62 industry
62 halley
62 gift
62 followed
62 enjoyment
62 directive
62 difference
62 decide
62 children
62 bright
62 bed
61 statement
61 rio
61 permitted
61 hide
61 heart
61 follow
61 field
61 fell
61 easy
61 chalmers
61 build
60 women
60 win
60 whenever
60 understanding
60 triumph
60 trade
60 threw
60 suppose
60 society
60 shirt
60 realized
60 muscles
60 minutes
60 hit
60 glad
60 certainty
59 selfish
59 rights
59 norte
59 listened
59 jerked
59 guilty
59 enemies
59 drawn
58 wheels
58 tunnel
58 report
58 remnant
58 proper
58 product
58 meigs
58 machine
58 instead
58 group
58 granted
58 fortune
58 food
58 favor
58 enemy
58 believed
58 abruptly
58 abandoned
58 1
57 twelve
57 subject
57 share
57 seized
57 pressure
57 minnesota
57 ma
57 larkin
57 intelligence
57 despair
57 continue
57 bertram
56 walking
56 theirs
56 stock
56 sitting
56 silver
56 rock
56 produced
56 ordered
56 mercy
56 higher
56 dollars
56 carried
56 belonged
56 began
55 voices
55 thrown
55 short
55 seize
55 market
55 laughter
55 hidden
55 drawing
55 damned
55 contempt
55 coat
55 chose
55 admiration
54 unknown
54 stillness
54 solemn
54 sister
54 simply
54 rich
54 reward
54 plea
54 picked
54 letting
54 intend
54 hotel
54 furnace
54 forgotten
54 doubt
53 violent
53 vice
53 unification
53 tons
53 telling
53 struck
53 shoulder
53 serve
53 note
53 legs
53 husband
53 check
53 century
53 attention
53 animal
52 virtues
52 stay
52 soft
52 pointing
52 opened
52 morrison
52 listening
52 ken
52 helpless
52 forced
52 fog
52 falling
52 discuss
52 chick
52 casual
52 calm
52 brain
52 bank
51 trembling
51 traffic
51 names
51 mystics
51 motors
51 labor
51 iron
51 hate
51 hanging
51 fellow
51 earned
51 division
51 different
51 die
51 curiosity
51 breaking
51 bad
51 aware
50 worn
50 water
50 taught
50 proof
50 natural
50 nation
50 nat
50 intensity
50 fought
50 foot
50 fool
50 exchange
50 confidence
50 closer
50 burst