
People Pronouncing Uranus

How people pronounce Uranus in different languages and different english accents all around the world.

Thanks to Smarter Every Day, Minute Physics, Veritasium, Joe & Buzz and Frank James at the Royal Institution for participating.

Special thanks to everyone who sent in clips: VV3Duffy, Wh1tebird, causticanatomy, Epicentera, timothyvanwing, MissPhilbin, iminichrispy, lilqil, jwebbed, gilester, dowbiggin, Siriuslyman, spantonline, rugga101, euskalzabe, MartinFobe, fragilepaper, Hydrargyros9, Thekdawggg, Razor_ZiE, ptericdactyl, aaronboardley, alexander255110, DanieleRae1, davieeaston, BookladyDavina, thekevmiester and many others. 

Music by: Jason Shaw